What factors go into choosing the right jewellery? Do you even think about it or do you just inherently know what suits you? Maybe you get a compliment every time you wear that certain necklace, or maybe no-one ever notices.
Today, I’m talking with Imogen Lamport from Inside Out Style. Imogen is AICI CIP certified and is World renowned in her field. She teaches others how to become image consultants.
For more interviews like this, click here.
Imogen is the author of many books, including The Finishing Touch which is all about how to accessorise.
She is also the creator or several online style programmes including 7 Steps to Style and Ignite Your Style Genius.
In this interview, Imogen and I talk about what factors go into choosing jewellery that suits your body type, your colouring, your style recipe, etc. You’ll discover that there are many things to think about.
Come with me as I discover what’s involved.
If you enjoyed this discussion, you may like to check out more interviews with Imogen.